A crowd of West German citizens gathers at the newly created opening in the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz
A crowd of West German citizens gathers at the newly created opening in the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz
West German citizens gather at the newly created opening in the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Plaza. Graffiti can be seen on a section of the wall.
Date, date span, or circa acceptable
File name
National Archives Identifier: 6460115
Local Identifier: 330-CFD-DF-ST-91-01380.jpeg
Local Identifier: 330-CFD-DF-ST-91-01380.jpeg
Sources archive, University Archives and Special Collections or Women and Leadership Archives
National Archives and Records Administration
Series: Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, 1982 - 2007
Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1921 - 2008
Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1921 - 2008
Berlin Wall
Access Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Use Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Use Restriction(s):Unrestricted
Creator(s): Department of Defense. American Forces Information Service. Defense Visual Information Center. 1994- (Most Recent)
Department of Defense. Defense Audiovisual Agency. 6/21/1979-9/30/1985 (Predecessor)
Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. Naval Imaging Command. 1988-ca. 1993 (Predecessor)
Department of Defense. Defense Audiovisual Agency. 6/21/1979-9/30/1985 (Predecessor)
Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. Naval Imaging Command. 1988-ca. 1993 (Predecessor)