Loyola Phoenix: Security and students form advisory committee



Loyola Phoenix: Security and students form advisory committee


This article details the formation of a security advisory committee that would involve representatives from all the dorms on campus. Two students worked on this initiative with the Loyola Director of Security and Safety. The article also included some updates on the TKE-initiated South Dorms escort service for students living in the South Dorms who wished to head to or from the library or Mertz Hall .

Date, date span, or circa acceptable


File name

Loyola Phoenix 1980, April 11, page 3

Sources archive, University Archives and Special Collections or Women and Leadership Archives

University Archives and Special Collections


Loyola University Archives and Special Collections, Loyola Phoenix 1980, April 11, page 3


Loyola University Chicago


Contact the Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections, archive@luc.edu, for permission to copy or publish.

Item sets

Loyola Phoenix: Security and students form advisory committee