The Loyola Phoenix: Loyola becomes part of nuclear freeze coalition



The Loyola Phoenix: Loyola becomes part of nuclear freeze coalition


This article by Donna DiBlase covers anti-nuclear weapons activism at Loyola. Pax Christi, a Catholic student group working to address social problems, joined the Student Freeze Network, "a coalition working for a bilateral nuclear weapons freeze in which 15 other Chicago area college campuses are involved.
Christ Gagliano, organizer of Loyola's involvement with the network, said that 'this is a way of getting as many campus groups as possible involved in thinking about these issues. Pax Christi is part of a city-wide network whose main goal is to consolidate already existing groups.' He said that since the publication of the organization's first newsletter in December, twice as many contacts have been established.
Pax Christi is now planning a petition drive to be completed by early April. The petitions against the MX, Pershing and Trident Missiles, will be presented to Congress before a vote is made in this year's session.
'The most important activity of this year will be a 'Mother's Day Festival for Peace,' to be held on May 8,' said Gagliano. He said that the day will begin with a peace march in the downtown area, ending up at Grant Park for a day of peaceful demonstrations and festivities.
Other area schools included in the network include DePaul, Northwestern, Mundelein, University of Chicago and several more. Many schools have sponsored successful activities in the past months and will be involved in the May 7 demonstration.
DePaul University organized a 'Nuclear Freeze Week' before the November 1982 elections. Activities included lectures, debates, and films with the week ending in a half-hour silent vigil. Northwestern held a similar event.
Loyola's Pax Christi held a 'Vote for the Freeze' week last November as well. Films, speakers and a liturgy for peace were included in the week's activities.
The networks headquarters is located at 4652 N. Kenmore in Chicago."

Date, date span, or circa acceptable


File name

The Loyola Phoenix, 1983-02-18, page 1.

Sources archive, University Archives and Special Collections or Women and Leadership Archives

University Archives and Special Collections


University Archives and Special Collections, The Loyola Phoenix, 1983-02-18, page 1.


Loyola University Chicago
Student life activism
Student life organizations


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The Loyola Phoenix: Loyola becomes part of nuclear freeze coalition