Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921



Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921


A newspaper clipping displaying an advertisement for Loyola University in a Yiddish-language newspaper. "Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois" is written in English, and the rest in Yiddish. The date is likely September 20, 1921 (Yiddish transliterated: "sept. 20tun, 1921"
The statistics below the title, framed by two pointing hands, reads "1940 studentn 147 profesorn" advertising that the school has 1940 students and 147 professors. Each paragraph begins with a large word: in order, they are "lawz," "meditzin," "art un science" and "sociolodzie" (law, medicine, arts and sciences, and sociology." Each paragraph describes the days and hours of classes, tuition fees, goals of the program, and the address and phone extension for each registrar. For instance, the law paragraph mentions "for di bar" - "for then bar [exam]." The medicine paragraph includes both the B.S. and the M.D. written in Hebrew letters. Art and science discusses its accreditation, offering such as "endzshineering" (engineering) . Sociology includes social work ("sotziale arbeyt"), extension classes, sociology, pedagogy, history, philosophy ("pilosophy"), literature, speaking ("shprachen"), and mathematics.
The last line reads: "ketelog un information - beym rezshistor, 617 ashland blok, telephone central 2883" and is probably translated as "Catalog and information - with the registrar, 617 Ashland Block, Telephone Central 2883."

Date, date span, or circa acceptable


File name

Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921

Sources archive, University Archives and Special Collections or Women and Leadership Archives

University Archives and Special Collections


University Archives and Special Collections, Loyola University Scrapbooks, Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921 (loose item)


Loyola University Chicago


Contact the Loyola University Chicago Archives and Special Collections, archive@luc.edu, for permission to copy or publish.

Item sets

Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921 Loyola University Newspaper Ad in Yiddish, 1921 (cropped)