Promise and Hope: Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy



Promise and Hope: Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy

List of Authors

Bill Huebsch


A groundbreaking work in theological reflection, Promise and Hope presents a pastoral theology of accompaniment that responds to Pope Francis’ urgent call to put Jesus—who reverenced the poor, the needy, the invisible, the 'other'—at the center of the church’s ministry. It provides a framework for creating parishes of accompaniment that are open, welcoming, healing and discerning. It offers practical steps toward clearly and compassionately responding to the often messy reality of human living within the context of faithful discipleship. Most of all, it challenges the entire church to move beyond elitism and cronyism, toward a community grounded in relationship with Christ and each other. Perfect for both academic settings, parish leaders, and adult faith formation, this text is a must-read for any thoughtful, engaged Catholic who cares deeply about the church’s future.



Publication Title

Discerning and Becoming a Parish of Accompaniment


Twenty-Third Publications


Item# 854986

Bibliographic Citation

Huebsch, Bill. Promise and Hope: Pastoral Theology in the Age of Mercy.Twenty-Third Publications (January 22, 2020)

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