Professor Prudence Moylan
Professor Emerita of History, Loyola University of Chicago

Prudence Moylan is a Professor Emerita of History at Loyola University of Chicago. At the time of the Mundelein and Loyola affiliation, Professor Moylan was a member of the Peace Studies faculty at Mundelein. Professor Moylan contextualizes the Peace Studies Program and discusses its historical origins in Vatican II and 1960s peace and justice activist campaigns as well as its connections to women’s peace activism. According to Professor Moylan, there were some significant obstacles to overcome during the meetings of the Peace Studies committee. Three significant barriers were the lack of focus on women and peace, titles for the program, and related definitions of the concept, “peace.” Though the committee did not have any specific focus on women, they settled on the simple name, “Peace Studies,” and incorporated a complex, inclusive, and multidisciplinary approach to peace.


Audio - Part 1 and 2


Time Log - Part I:

0-5 minutes Introductions. Dr. Moylan’s position at the time of the Mundelein affiliation. History of the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. The Second Vatican Council. Encyclical Pachem in Terris. Eleanor Roosevelt. Pope John XXIII. Sister Carol Frances Jegen’s scholarly background.
5-10 minutes Historical Background of the Mundelein Peace Studies program. Ann Ida Gannon. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary or BVMs. Mary Margaret Whalen.
10-15 minutes Historical Background of the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. Gaudem et Spes. BVM Constitution. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM.
15-20 minutes Historical Background of the Mundelein Peace Studies program. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM. Importance of the Eucharist.
20-25 minutes Historical Background of the Mundelein Peace Studies program. Pope Benedict the XVI. Jesuits.

Time Log - Part II:

0-5  minutes Professor Moylan’s involvement with the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. Second Vatican Council. Sisters at Guadalupe College in Los Gatos. Economic Opportunity Commission. Farm Workers Movement.
5-10 minutes Dr. Moylan’s involvement with the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. BVMs. Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND. Notre Dame de Namur. Pax Christi.
10-15 minutes Professor Moylan’s involvement with the Mundelein Peace Studies program. Pax Christi. Carol Frances Jegen. Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND. Vatican Peace and Justice Commission. 1973 United Farm Worker’s Strike. Mundelein Hispanic Ministry. World Council of Churches.
15-20 minutes Creation of the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. Pax Christi. World Council of Churches. Havana, Cuba Peace Meeting 1987. Mundelein Women’s Studies Program. Carol Francis Jegen, BVM. Mary Evelyn Jegen, SND. Peace Studies Association.
20-25 minutes Creation of the Mundelein Peace Studies Program Center for Women and Peace. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM, Mary Breslin. MacArthur Foundation.
25- 30 minutes Creation of the Mundelein Peace Studies Program. Margarita Inglestam. Mary Sparks. Women’s Peace Camps. Cardinal Bernadin. Cesar Chavez.
30-35  minutes Mundelein tradition. BVMs. Cesar Chavez. Peace Studies Internship. Center for Women and Peace. Uppsala, Sweden. Pax Christi. Mary Frances Jegen, SND.
35-40 minutes Loyola Peace Studies Minor. Mundelein Nursing, Nutrition, Home Economics Programs. Professional transfer from Mundelein to Loyola. Carolyn Farrell. Gannon Center for Women and Leadership. Piper Hall Renovation. BVMs. Kathleen McCourt. Larry Reuter. Jesuits.
40-45 minutes Kathleen McCourt. Catholic Christian Justice Tradition. William French. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM. John Galtung.
45-50 minutes The concept of negative peace and positive peace. Spertus College.
50-55 minutes Women and Peace Center. Women Studies. Ignatian Pedagogy. 1988 Conference honoring Jane Addams at University of Illinois. Jane Addams. Nobel Peace Prize.
55-60 minutes Anti-apartheid. South Africa.
1.00- 1.05 minutes UN and international sanctions. William French. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM.
1.05-1.10 minutes Catholic Justice Tradition. Carol Frances Jegen, BVM. Jesuit Mission. Loyola Peace Studies Minor. The Women and Leadership Conference.
1.10-1.15 minutes Women’s voices in peace-making and peace dialogue. Title IX. Sexual harassment. Sexual violence. Women Studies and Peace Studies Connection. Women Studies. Gender Studies. Gender Research Seminar.
1.15- 1.20.24  minutes Feminism. Women’s Studies. Gender Studies Seminar. BVMs. Ignatian Pedagogy.
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