Title: Al-Attarin Madrasa

Artist: Unknown

Date: 1323-1325 

Location: Fez, Morocco

In keeping with Merinid tradition, Sultan Uthman II Abu Said commissioned multiple madrasas, with the al-Attarin Madrasa as the crown jewel of his patronage. The madrasa served to not only encourage Islamic scholarship within his community, but to secure his legacy of generosity and luxury. However, as travelers pass through Tala’a Kebira Street, the bustling core of Fez, it is easy to miss the al-Attatrin Madrasa wedged between the Souq al-Attarin, the spice market from which it gets its name, and the al-Qarawiyyin mosque. While the exterior of the madrasa is limited by the confines of the street, the sumptuous interior decoration works in tandem with the open interior to compensate for the cramped exterior. This elegant approach to the restrictive area cements the madrasa as one of the highest achievements of Merinid architecture. 

Catalogue Entry: The al-Attarin Madrasa

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