Inscription above the doorway of the ribat at Sousse
Inscription above the doorway of the ribat at Sousse
This Arabic inscription is found above a doorway in the ribat. It reads:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. بركة من الله. ممّا أمر به الأميرُ زيادة الله بن ابراهيم أطال الله بقاءه على يد مسرور مولاه في سنة ست ومئتين. اللّهم أنزلنا مُنزَلاً مُباركاً وأنت خيرُ المُنزِلين.
In the name of God, the Kind, the Merciful. God’s Blessing. This is what the Emir Ziyādat Allāh ibn Ibrāhīm has ordered, may God prolong his life!... by the hands of Masrūr al-Khūdim [the servant], his emancipated slave, in the year 206 [821 AD]. O God, lead us down into a blessed home. You are the best of leaders.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. بركة من الله. ممّا أمر به الأميرُ زيادة الله بن ابراهيم أطال الله بقاءه على يد مسرور مولاه في سنة ست ومئتين. اللّهم أنزلنا مُنزَلاً مُباركاً وأنت خيرُ المُنزِلين.
In the name of God, the Kind, the Merciful. God’s Blessing. This is what the Emir Ziyādat Allāh ibn Ibrāhīm has ordered, may God prolong his life!... by the hands of Masrūr al-Khūdim [the servant], his emancipated slave, in the year 206 [821 AD]. O God, lead us down into a blessed home. You are the best of leaders.
Masrūr al-Khūdim
Temporal Coverage
821 AD
Spatial Coverage
Sousse, Tunisia
Date Created
Madeline Palmquist
Public Domain