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Encountering the Middle East: HONR 212B-01H
Extravagance in Islamic Visual Culture
Gold and Extravagance
Al-Ma'thur, Sword of the Prophet Muhammad
Al-Ma'thur Catalogue Entry
Pendant with Two Birds
Isabella Nicholson Catalogue Entry
Natalie B. Gold Bracelet
natalie batshon catalogue entry
Topkapi Emerald Dagger
Topkapi Emerald Dagger Catalogue Entry
Pendant with Fishes and Amulets
Pendant with Fishes and Amulets - Catalogue Entry
Extravagance as Legitimization
Qasr al-Mshatta Façade
Qasr al-Mshatta Façade Catalogue Entry
Topkapi Palace Tile with Floral and Cloud-band Design
Topkapi Palace Tile with Floral and Cloud-band Design - Catalogue Entry
Kill Ali Pasha Stained Glass Window
Kilic Ali Pasha Stained-glass Window Catalog Entry
Sultan Ahmed Mosque
Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Catalogue Entry
Tughra of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent Museum Label
Tughra of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent Catalogue Entry
Extravagance in Arms and Armaments
Yatagan from the Court of Süleyman the Magnificent
Yatagan under Süleyman the Magnificent Catalouge Entry
Yatagan Under Süleyman the Magnificent Bibliography
Jeweled Gun of Sultan Mahmud I
Jeweled Gun of Sultan Mahmud I: Extended Entry
Shirt of Mail and Plate of Emperor Shah Jahan
Shirt of Mail and Plate of Emperor Shah Jahan Object Biography
The Ribat of Sousse
The Ribat of Sousse Object Biography
Ram's Head Dagger
Ram's Head Dagger Catalogue Entry
The Moral Implications of Extravagance
Mia Sedory - The Blue Qur'an
Mia Sedory - The Blue Qur'an: Catalogue Entry
Nina E. - Tile from the Chashma-i Ayub Portal Frame - Object Page
Tile from the Chashma-i Ayub Portal Frame - Catalogue Entry
Zayna S- Curtain for Door of the Ka‘bah- Object page
Curtain for the Door of the Ka‘bah- Catalogue Entry
The Baptistère de Saint Louis - Object Page
The Baptistère de Saint Louis - Catalogue Entry
Extravagance in Scale
Muqarnas Dome of the Alhambra Hall of the Abencerrajes - Museum Label
Muqarnas Dome of the Alhambra Hall of the Abencerrajes - Catalogue Entry
Shah Mosque Muqarnas Object Page
Shah Mosque Muqarnas: Architectural Legacy of the Absolute Truth
The Süleymaniye Mosque - Museum Label
The Süleymaniye Mosque - Catalogue Entry
The Great Mosque of Isfahan - Museum Label
The Great Mosque of Isfahan - Catalog Entry
Khirbet al-Mafjar Audience/Ball Hall
Khirbet al-Mafjar Catalog Entry
Part of
Gold Bracelet