Hippo Regius
Hippo Regius was first settled by the Phoenicians in approximately the 12th century BC. It was a maritime city which eventually became a Roman colonia.
From Schoder's lecture notes:
HIPPO REGIUS: Phoenician, IX c., bf. Carthage, to which allied till its fall. Favorite home of kings of Numidia. Roman aft. Caesar's victory 46. St. Aug. died here 430, during 14-month siege by Vandals. Byz. revival.
Decumanus, forum entry, Basilica S. Aug. (19 c., relic; buried Pavia)
Forum inscription, 1 c: Caius Paccius Africannus: Pont: Cons; Pro-Cons: Patronus Municipili
Fountain, drain, beyone Decumanus (E-W st.)
Mosaic in sea-side villa: Apollo-Melchart w. Zodiac
St. Aug's Basilica; Monasery at rt.